Hope, Collaboration and Connection in the New Year
As this year comes to a close and I reflect on the past year, I am filled with so much gratitude and hope.
I am so grateful to my family and to everyone who participated and engaged with me over the course of the campaign. It is an incredible honor to have earned the privilege to serve as the State Representative for Guilford and Vernon in the Vermont House of Representatives.
During the campaign I spoke with and listened to so many neighbors in Vernon and Guilford. Folks took the time to share their stories, express concerns and exchange ideas. On January 9th I head to the Vermont State House to be sworn in, and I will carry these stories and bring this optimism to my work in the legislature.
I believe that every Vermonter should have the opportunity to earn a livable wage, receive high-quality public education and have access to affordable quality healthcare. When we come together we can rewrite the rules so that families can care for and support themselves, we can boost the economy and build stronger, healthier communities for all Vermonters.
Since the election I have been busy wrapping up work projects, attending the new member orientation and legislative briefings in Montpelier, meeting with constituents and advocates, connecting with my new colleagues to set our legislative priorities in preparation for the session. While there are many issues to tackle in the upcoming legislative session, there are also many opportunities for some fresh thinking and collaboration to unite our goals for a stronger and brighter future.
The issues we debate in Montpelier impact each and every one of us, and your voice and your participation in our democracy matters. I encourage you to voice your ideas and concerns with your neighbors at town meeting, and to reach out to me and your other elected officials.
Beginning in January I will be living up in Montpelier four days a week. To stay connected with my constituents I will host monthly Coffee with Coffey hours in Guilford and Vernon. I invite you to stop by to hear updates and share concerns or ideas. Details for the "Coffey hours" and other upcoming events can be found on my website
I hope to see you at the State House or in the community in the coming months, and look forward to serving you in 2019.
wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!
Sara Coffey Representative-elect Windham-1